Transparent services and leading liquidity
About B2Prime
Prime-of-Prime Multi-Asset Liquidity Provider
Who we are
B2Prime is a global regulated Prime of Prime (PoP) Multi-Asset CFD Liquidity Provider for Financial Institutions and professional clients across the whole spectrum of the financial markets with multiple liquidity aggregation and distribution options alongside software technology that can help empower the business of brokerage companies, exchanges and investment firms.
FSC License C117017139
B2Prime is licensed and regulated by the Financial Services Commission Mauritius (FSC) with the Investment Dealer (Full Service Dealer excluding underwriting) license (code SEC-2.1 ). B2Prime must adhere to the strictest financial market regulatory standards, including capital adequacy requirements, segregation of client funds and transparency of business operations, enabling clients to be safely onboarded.
Our team

Rawat Muhammad Saif Cader
Chief Operational Officer

Manzhosov Pavel
Chief Executive Officer
24/7 Multilingual technical support

Relationship Manager
Dedicated Personal Relationship Managers are assigned to every client, providing assistance for various needs and addressing any inquiries they may have. Relationship Managers are readily available to fulfill client requirements and offer comprehensive response to any questions arise